
Hi, I'm Lawrence

I'm a podcaster who loves to talk about personal development, health & wellness, and lifestyle. Subscribe and join over 400+ newsletter readers every week!

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An idea for you to ponder - Fun Flow

Hello friends, I trust you're well on this random Tuesday. A quick update about the podcast as I'm not in a position to do an episode this week. Not to fear as I will provide some substance here for you today to ponder until next time! The inability to do an episode this week has gotten me thinking a wee bit about how we put pressure on ourselves to turn up. I love the podcast and miss the feeling it gives me when I don't do it often. You may recall a year or so ago when I was doing episodes...

Good Morning friends, I trust you're well. I sit here and write whilst the rain provides meditative company. Something we learn as life goes on is that the same things tend to crop up but our perspective of them changes. Something years ago could previously have ruined your day but now it is something you appreciate. Enjoying these things simply for what they are can definitely allow you to elevate this experience we all get. They could be things that were here before you and will be here...

man in yellow jacket sitting on yellow plastic chair

Good Morning Friends, I trust you are well. I'm pondering projects this week and you can interpret that in whatever way you choose. It will be correct to your line of thinking at this moment in time. Projects are ideas, they are sparks, they are from hope. Most projects start with the intention of changing the world or inspiring everyone, some do and some get lost along the way. Yet all involve service. Service to oneself and to others. The dedication. The pride. The acceptance of amateur...

person using chisel while curving wood

Good Morning Friends! I trust you're well and enjoying me land in your mind on Sundays again. I have a couple of things on my mind I'm going to share with you this morning that I'd love to hear your thoughts on. I was lucky enough to take a month off work to be with the wee one and family but it's prompted thought around dedication to life. Most of us, once we're out of studying, are consumed by life being busy. The one area I want to talk about today is how all-consuming work can be. Whether...

man and toddler walking on seashore

Good morning friends! I can't believe it's been this long yet time has flown. I'm a dad now and I can't wait to share with you, over time, some of the realisations and moments experienced thus far. Joy can come from many areas of our life, but pure love is one thing that cannot be compared. The true peace that comes from unconditionality. The wholeness that comes from seeing those around you happy from you contributing to that. The sense of pride that this is your life and will continue to be...

Good morning friends! I trust you're well as I sit here and type knowing that my life will never be the same forever again. Many people will experience this kind of moment, whether it's a decision to jump and totally change their life or simply a noteworthy occurrence that can happen at any time. It feels odd to type this as it feels a bit different to usual. Essentially, I know the arrival of our first child is going to happen any point between now and the next few weeks. It brings an array...

Good Morning friends! I trust you are well. Moments in time are, to me, as profound as milestones. What were you doing at this time in 2022? You can ask yourself that of any year and it's still amazing to consider how far you've come as an individual. When you turn up daily, doing things that are important to you (boring or not!) and working towards something you're not 100% sure of but you know it feels right, only good things can come of that. It makes me think of the phrase 'life...

Good morning friends, I would love to hear how the start of your summer has been. We are half way through 2024 which, as scary as it sounds, is a lovely reason to pause and think about what's been good for you this year so far. As the weeks go quickly, a beneficial activity is to pause every so often to reflect. I can easily convince myself out of doing this but it always brings one of three things, if not all - pride, motivation or gratitude. Especially when we work so hard, we need to find...

Good Morning wonderful humans, I trust you're well. A friend gave me a great alternative to 'How are you?' the other week, instead ask 'What's the best thing that's happened to you today?' - much more interesting and personally I love the instant switch of mindset to gratitude. My answer would almost always be my morning coffee :) even on the worst days, you still get your coffee. Now, I know I'm fairly positive with my outlook yet I'd never want that to come across as delusional or...

Morning friends! I am just back from the trip of a lifetime to Germany, where alongside tens of thousands of other Scots, went to see Scotland play Germany in the opening game of Euro 2024. It's an international football (soccer) tournament and happens every 4 years. Scotland haven't been very successful at football for a long time, so us being at this tournament is an achievement in itself so I wouldn't be wanting to miss out on this experience. I travelled completely solo and made lots of...